Press Releases

XMReality U.S. signs first Mexican customer

XMReality U.S. signs first Mexican customer

XMReality Inc. has signed its first enterprise licensed customer in Mexico, expanding its geographic reach in the Americas. The customer is ILSCO, a subsidiary of ECM Industries which is already a customer to XMReality Inc., with operations in Matamoros, Mexico. ILSCO produces power and grounding connectors and associated accessories. ILSCO’s initial use of XMReality will focus on internal remote video support of its manufacturing equipment

XMReality and Viveo sign a partnership agreement and the first order is placed

XMReality and Viveo sign a partnership agreement and the first order is placed

XMReality AB has signed a partnership agreement with Viveo which has already resulted in the ordering of licenses. Viveo is a Swedish company that will offer XMReality as a service to the Swedish real estate market. The purpose of Viveo's service is to facilitate and streamline the handling of error reports and tickets within property management

XMReality Year-end report 2022, Group overview

XMReality Year-end report 2022, Group overview

The YoY Order Intake for the quarter increased by 7 percent. Net Sales for the quarter increased with 9 percent and the Annual Recurring Revenues decreased with 2 percent compared with Q3 this year. The Rights Issue was completed as per plan and XMReality received SEK 26.2 million before issue costs

XMReality AB (publ) publishes outcome in rights issue and directed issue

XMReality AB (publ) publishes outcome in rights issue and directed issue

THIS PRESS RELEASE MAY NOT BE PUBLISHED OR DISTRIBUTED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR TO RUSSIA, BELARUS, AUSTRALIA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, CANADA, NEW ZEALAND, SWITZERLAND, SINGAPORE, SOUTH AFRICA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE SUCH ACTION IS IN WHOLE OR IN PART FOR LEGAL RESTRICTIONS. THIS PRESS RELEASE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER TO ACQUIRE SECURITIES IN XMREALITY AB. SEE ALSO THE "IMPORTANT INFORMATION" SECTION BELOW. XMReality AB (publ) (”XMReality” or the “Company”) today announces the outcome of the preferential rights issue of units, shares and warrants of series TO1 (“Units”) (the “Rights Issue") that ended on December 21, 2022. The subscription breakdown shows that approximately 76 percent was subscribed with and without the exercise of unit rights. Consequently, underwriters of the Rights Issue will be allocated approximately 24 percent of the Rights Issue. XMReality thereby obtains SEK 26,2 million before issue costs

XMReality and Pointmedia sign Partnership Agreement

XMReality and Pointmedia sign Partnership Agreement

XMReality AB has signed a Partnership Agreement with Pointmedia, a Norwegian company providing remote collaboration software. Their remote collaboration software ‘Remoto Solutions’ will, going forward, be based on XMReality’s Remote Guidance software and used both by their existing customer base and offered to new customers

XMReality AB:s CEO, Jörgen Remmelg has participated in an interview with Erik Penser Bank

XMReality AB:s CEO, Jörgen Remmelg has participated in an interview with Erik Penser Bank

Jörgen Remmelg, CEO of XMReality AB (publ) (”XMReality” or the ”Company”) has participated in an interview with Erik Penser Bank in connection with the ongoing rights issue. Jörgen talks about the Company’s improved product and its financial targets. Previously this year, the Company launched a new updated version of the Company's AR-product with additional product functions that enable, among other things, the scheduling of group calls and that you can now be up to 20 people in a single call. The new product functions have already generated follow-up orders from the Company's existing customers, which creates good conditions for reaching the Company's communicated financial targets of starting to generate positive cash flow at the end of 2024, an ARR of SEK 75 million in 2025 with an associated EBITDA of 15 percent

XMReality AB (publ) publishes prospectus relating to the rights issue

XMReality AB (publ) publishes prospectus relating to the rights issue

XMReality AB (publ) (”XMReality”) today announces that the prospectus relating to XMReality's rights issue (the "Rights Issue") has been approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (the “SFSA”, sw. Finansinspektionen) (the "Prospectus"). The Prospectus can be obtained on XMReality's website, Erik Penser Bank's website and the SFSA's website