Press release

XMReality and Pointmedia land new customer and venture within a new application of the software

XMReality and Pointmedia land new customer and venture within a new application of the software
XMReality has a partnership agreement in place with Pointmedia since December 2022, covering the Norwegian market, and the companies have now signed a new customer; Mycoteam. Pointmedia offers a branded remote collaboration software ‘Remoto Solutions’, based on XMReality’s Remote Guidance software.

“I’m glad to see that we are progressing this partnership and that we now have a new customer in Mycoteam. Moreover, the use case is new as our solution will be used for damp and mold inspections within the construction sector”, says Andreas Jonsson, CSO at XMReality and responsible for partner sales, and continues “This collaboration with Pointmedia provides us with great access to the Norwegian market and we see interesting opportunities increase continuously. We consider partnership sales to be an important strategic sales channel for XMReality. It gives us a bigger global reach and has the potential to generate great synergies for us going forward.”