Press Releases

XMReality signs contract with Atea Sweden

XMReality has signed a partner and reseller agreement, covering both hardware and software, with Atea Sweden. Atea is the leading provider of IT infrastructure and a driving force within information technology on the Swedish market. Following this contract XMReality Remote Guidance™ becomes a part of Atea’s product portfolio and can be used by Atea’s customers

XMReality AB (publ), Interim Report, January-March 2020

XMReality AB (publ), Interim Report, January-March 2020

The market increases its usage of XMReality Remote Guidance. During the period order backlog rose with 48 percent to SEK 9,067 thousand (6,127). Net sales increased 15 percent compared to same period last year with a continued high gross margin above 90 percent. Existing customers’ utilization grew more than 300 percent during the quarter and the number of customer enquiries increased significantly

XMReality to supply Nestlé with Remote Guidance technology

XMReality to supply Nestlé with Remote Guidance technology

XMReality will supply Nestlé, the Swiss-based food and beverage company, with its Remote Guidance technology. Today the two companies signed a global Master Service Agreement. The Master Service Agreement is open in term and volume and will as such not guarantee any order volumes. The XMReality solution will be employed primarily in Nestlé production sites to improve efficiency. The initial order value is around SEK 900 000 and will cover the remaining part of 2020

XMReality technology being employed for Facility Management in the UK

XMReality technology being employed for Facility Management in the UK

Kingdom Housing Association, a Scottish housing association, are now using XMReality Remote Guidance to help their tenants with routine repairs. XMReality Remote Guidance was introduced to Kingdom Housing Association through a collaboration between XMReality and Dtl Creative, a UK based housing consultancy

UK based IMI plc. has chosen XMReality Remote Guidance for services within gas and oil industry

UK based IMI plc. has chosen XMReality Remote Guidance for services within gas and oil industry

IMI, a UK based industrial company with operations in 50 countries, has selected and ordered XMReality Remote Guidance. The contract covers both software and hardware, where software constitutes around half of the order value of 800 000 SEK and is renewed on annual basis. The XMReality solution will be employed primarily in the customer’s service centers in UK, Italy and US to support operations within oil and gas sector with problem solving related to flow technology

XMReality signs three year contract with Electrolux Professional

XMReality AB (publ) (NASDAQ First North: XMR) and Electrolux Professional have signed a 3-year agreement covering the use of Remote Guidance. The XMReality Remote Guidance will be integrated into Electrolux Professional customer offering. The agreement is worth approximately SEK 1 million over the three year period

XMReality is expanding its Remote Guidance to the German market

XMReality is expanding its efforts in Germany by offering XMReality Remote Guidance to German industrial companies. In February, XMReality registered a German subsidiary, XMReality GmBH, and its investment in sales and marketing activities towards German industrial companies is now being expanded

XMReality assists export companies during Corona crisis

The spread of the Coronavirus is now affecting companies globally and has resulted in both travel restrictions and recommendations to work from home. This is having a big impact on businesses such as servicing and repairing of technical equipment, which require expert knowledge that is often unavailable locally. XMReality is therefore offering affected companies cost-free use of the XMReality Remote Guidance service for an extended trial period during the Corona crisis. This so that experts can effectively provide technical support remotely without having to travel