Press release

XMReality and SwipeGuide in partnership for integrated work instructions

XMReality and SwipeGuide in partnership for integrated work instructions
SwipeGuide is a Dutch company which delivers a software platform to power digital work instructions. Their software now integrates with XMReality Remote Guidance to help tackle situations when the digital work instructions isn’t enough to solve the problem. The two companies have entered into a partnership agreement, which enables both companies to sell the combined software offer.

This collaboration means that field service engineers and operators that are using SwipeGuide for digital work instructions on a smartphone or tablet can enable XMReality Remote Guidance to connect with an expert if they run into issues with the instruction. The integration between SwipeGuide and XMReality makes it easy for the person who needs help to initiate a session with an expert that can help them solve the issue through additional instructions that aren’t included in the work instructions.

The expert on the other end will be able to use all the standard features in a remote guidance call, such as drawing, pointing and augmentation of hand gestures to facilitate problem solving. If one remote expert isn’t enough, there is also the possibility for multi-part calls to help figure out a solution.

In other cases, the standardized work instructions will be sufficient to solve the problem, which can be a time saver compared to initiating a Remote Guidance session. The combined software offer hence offers value to both parties’ customers and maximizes the potential of implementing digital work instructions.

SwipeGuide co-founder Daan Assen says that the integration will be especially beneficial to the field service engineers and operators who are under pressure to solve problems as quickly and smoothly as possible. Assen says that "direct access to remote support from an expert colleague including augmentation will help field service engineers solve issues faster and more conveniently than ever before." Something which XMReality CEO Jörgen Remmelg completely agrees with and further adds “In many respects we work with similar customers which means that there is a market fit inherent. The two products complement each other well and really make sense to combine. The ambition is clearly to broaden our individual offering with the objective to increase the customer competitiveness and we look forward to collaborate with SwipeGuide”.