Whitepapers and guides

Get the best tips and tricks on leveraging remote visual assistance for your organization. 

Connectivity Challenges


Connectivity Challenges

This whitepaper explains connectivity challenges in various locations and their impact on remote visual assistance. After exploring the challenges, we cover different ways to work around them and share our best tips on selecting a solution that works where and when you need it.

What makes a great pilot project?


What makes a great pilot project?

We partnered with a global overhead crane company to assess the real-world value of our visual assistance tool – and discovered what it takes to get the very most out of a pilot project and all you need to know for a successful implementation .

How to Transfer Knowledge & Expertise


How to Transfer Knowledge & Expertise

In this whitepaper, we cover the subject of an aging workforce and how to handle the younger generation of technicians who enter the industry, often young, poorly qualified, and temporary contract workers. With digitalization and globalization factored in, more companies must support more recruits spread across more market units—with fewer skilled in-house experts.

Risk free food in a high risk world


Risk free food in a high risk world

The food and beverage industry are experts at predicting and adapting to consumer demands. However, consumer priorities around food change faster than ever before. It might seem like a challenge, but it can presents a major opportunity.
