Hero integrations

Integrate for a seamless experience

We facilitate your work with versatile integration options. So you can use XMReality in your favourite apps.

integration options

Pre-built or custom?

cross roads

We offer pre-built integrations with some of the most popular business software, all listed further down the page.

But don't despair if we don't have a pre-built integration for your preferred software. We've got you covered anyway, through easy-to-implement no-code integrations that you define with the click of a button, or advanced custom software integrations that use our APIs.

One-click custom integrations

With our no-code integration support through Zapier, any XMReality user can, with the click of a button, integrate XMReality with more than 7000 other apps supported by Zapier.

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How it works

You can configure an integration with any app available through Zapier in minutes. You start by choosing which app to integrate with and then select an event that will trigger the workflow.

After that, it's just a drag-and-drop process to select which actions will execute in which system—no code required.   

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Smart workflows

One very simple setup that create a lot of value is to set up triggers for automatic call link creation. This way you can initiate XMReality calls without having to switch between systems - perfect for customer support.

You can also set up triggers to ensure all call documentation is automatically synced to your system for customer support tickets. Easily creating a seamless support experience for both you and your customers. 

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Get started

Any XMReality customer with an Enterprise or Professional license can use Zapier for no-code integrations at no additional charge.

Sign in to the XMReality admin portal to create a free Zapier account and set up integrations with a point-and-click interface in minutes.

Truly customized integrations

For advanced custom workflows you can choose to build your own integrations, by developing your own piece of software or using third party integration tools and systems.

To support you, we offer a range of powerful REST APIs and Webhooks as well as an embeddable video call client

With our APIs, you can automate any task that a user can do in our own apps, from creating users and making settings to creating call links and scheduled sessions, as well as updating and fetching documentation and logs.

Our Webhooks let you get events based on the triggers you define, so that your own integration can act based on XMReality events such as call status and call documentation updates.

And with our embeddable video call client you can build workflows where calls are placed from within another app, for example to let your customers launch service support calls from within your existing mobile service app or support web site.

Pre-built integration options

Quickly get started by using one of our pre-built integrations with some of the most popular business software today.


Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Create, send or share XMReality call links directly from your Teams chat or meeting.



Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook

Schedule in advance with a standard meeting invite in Outlook.



Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive

Keep your snapshots and recordings secure with automatic cloud storage sync to OneDrive.

Login to activate


Salesforce Service Cloud

Salesforce Service Cloud

Launch calls from Salesforce and seamlessly capture call outcomes directly in Salesforce cases.
