Press release

XMReality used by Panasonic Homes to enter New Zealand housing market

XMReality used by Panasonic Homes to enter New Zealand housing market
Panasonic Homes, a subsidiary to Panasonic Corp., are active within the housing business with an expertise in home construction. They recently undertook their first project outside of Asia with a delivery of a prefabricated prototype home to New Zealand. Due to travel restrictions, XMReality Remote Guidance was used to lead the first stage of the build remotely from Japan.

In New Zealand there is a need to build more warm, dry and affordable homes which led the government to invite overseas prefabricated housing manufacturers to participate in the Kiwi Build project. Panasonic Homes was one of these manufacturers and they partnered with New Zealand’s largest residential building company Mike Greer Commercial, MGC, to deliver a prototype. However, for the initial onsite constructions Panasonic Homes' engineers could not enter New Zealand, so they instead used XMReality Remote Guidance to guide the local MGC team through the first part of the build remotely. Panasonic Homes is a customer to XMReality and started using the software with this specific project in mind.

For more information about the project and how it was conducted you can watch this video from Panasonic Homes.