Press release

XMReality selected by several Swedish energy companies and municipalities

XMReality selected by several Swedish energy companies and municipalities
XMReality AB has signed new deals with several Swedish energy companies and municipalities for the use of XMReality Remote Guidance. The main use case is technical support directly to the end customer.

As previously communicated, Tekniska Verken in Linköping signed a multi-year contract with XMReality and now Tekniska Verken in Kiruna has also become a customer. Other new customers within the energy sector include Borås Energi and Växjö Energi. The primary use case is technical support directly to the end customer where a remote guidance call can replace a physical visit or make sure that a service technician can arrive better prepared.

The above-mentioned energy companies are in turn owned and controlled by the local municipality and in several cases the purchase has been made through the license agreement between XMReality and Atea. The municipality of Motala is also a customer to XMReality and they use remote guidance for technical support in different areas of their operations.

“We see that XMReality has helped us within several areas where we previously struggled to provide support over phone. We had to dispatch a service technician to provide support on-site, which is both costly and the lead time for the person waiting for support is long. We see that we also can use the solution in several areas of our municipal activities such as technical service maintenance and care activities.” Says Pia Sandström, Digital Lead at Motala municipal office.

“It’s great to be part of these digitalization activities in several companies and municipalities across the country. Not only can we help reduce cost, we also ensure that people can get quick support if any of the equipment they have at home which is owned by the local energy company malfunctions.” Says Andreas Jonsson, CSO at XMReality and continues “The initial order volumes are not significant, but they signal a breakthrough in this segment and our ambition is to continue this momentum.”