Press release

XMReality Remote Guidance - Strategic key solution for Strömsholmen

XMReality Remote Guidance - Strategic key solution for Strömsholmen
Strömsholmen, an internationally leading manufacturer of gas springs and gas hydraulic systems for press tools and heavy off-road vehicles, is making a strategic investment in Remote Guidance. After a year of successful internal use, the solution is now being rolled out globally, focusing on unsurpassed partner and customer support.

Strömsholmen is part of Force & Motion Control within Barnes Group Inc. (NYSE:B), and with a 95% export share has distributors in 60 countries. Being able to offer fast and high-quality customer support is an increasingly strategic competitive factor in the global market.

During 2020 we will expand the use of Remote Guidance with customers globally. With the new group call feature, we can penetrate all the way through our distribution chain, especially in Asia where we see great customer interest around the solution. We also see that Remote Guidance can support and strengthen other services that we have launched to the market during the last couple of years. Remote Guidance is a cornerstone in our aim to build a significant and profitable service business besides our traditional component sales business”, says Zoltan Pap, Product Manager at Strömsholmen AB.

We see Strömsholmen’s next step in the implementation process as particularly interesting in that it shows how our solution can offer direct interaction with end customers. Distributors can quickly solve problems together with their customers, using real-time support from the manufacturer’s experts. Our unique web client makes communication with the customer independent of the software and hardware platform they have”, says Johan Castevall, CEO at XMReality.