Press release

XMReality Remote Guidance being tried out by Norwegian Emergency Medical Services

XMReality Remote Guidance being tried out by Norwegian Emergency Medical Services
In collaboration with Norwegian Jodapro, XMReality Remote Guidance is being tried out by the Norwegian Emergency Medical Services. The application is tested for deployment when paramedics arrive at the scene of an incident. Smart glasses allow the paramedics to connect with the appropriate specialist doctor and hospital for faster and better care.

The joint solution which is being evaluated means that XMReality Remote Guidance will be part of Jodapro’s telemedicine offering for Emergency Medical Services in Norway. Together this delivers a highly competitive solution that combines software and smart glasses with the aim of giving paramedics the best possible remote access to expertise.

“Health Care is another new and very interesting market for our product. Although this initial project is a pilot and as such has only a small financial effect for us at XMReality since it involves relatively few software licenses, this lays the foundation for a successful long-term collaboration with Jodapro,” says Jörgen Remmelg, CEO at XMReality.

Jodapro is a subsidiary to Jodacare that works with elderly care in Norway and also has plans to utilize XMReality Remote Guidance to avoid visits to the hospital for the elderly unless absolutely necessary.

“Jodapro has close collaboration with paramedics and doctors at the hospitals to give patients faster and more effective care. At the same time, Jodapro and Jodacare works together to make sure that people in elderly care homes won’t have to go to the hospital in an ambulance when it’s possible to treat them in the safe environment of their home. By using HMT-1 (smart glasses) at elderly care homes, connected to a doctor at a hospital, the elderly can live a better and more undisturbed life without compromising on the quality of their care” says Kristil Håland, CEO at Jodapro.