Press release

XMReality launches several new product features

XMReality launches several new product features
XMReality has just released several new features for XMReality Remote Guidance. The product development is customer driven and the new features include, amongst other, the possibility to invite non XMReality users to a multi-party call.

“We have a very active dialogue with our customers to understand which additional features they would benefit from and of course we also aim to strengthen our competitive advantage through smart product development. Our aim is not the be the most technically advanced remote guidance tool – instead we want to be the most used remote guidance tool because of a competitive technical platform that focuses on being user friendly.” Says Per Unell, Chief Technical Officer at XMReality.

Apart for the possibility to invite people that don’t have a XMReality account to group calls, the latest release includes new functionality when used with smart glasses, further possibilities on individual customer branding and an update of one of the license concepts. More information about the features can be found here.