Press release

XMReality launches Microsoft Teams app

XMReality launches Microsoft Teams app
XMReality today launches a new app for Microsoft Teams that simplifies the initiation of a XMReality Remote Guidance call, making it possible to seamlessly transition from Microsoft Teams chats and meetings to a remote guidance call.

XMReality recently joined the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) as an Independent Software Vendor (ISV). The Microsoft Teams integration is the first step in XMReality’s effort to improve user experience on both Microsoft devices and inside Microsoft software.

Many of XMReality’s customers including Nestlé, Heineken, ABB, and Electrolux already have established ways of working inside Microsoft Teams. The integration is an important step towards being part of their existing workflows, increasing the ease-of-use and reducing the friction of starting a remote guidance call. 

“In addition to internal chats and meetings, we see organisations now using Microsoft Teams for external customer support, where our integration lets them resolve support cases much faster compared to a simple chat-based support.” says Alexander Sandström, CTO at XMReality. “The integration also lowers the threshold for using XMReality Remote Guidance, making both initiating and joining a call easier and more intuitive for all participants.” 

XMReality, together with Microsoft technicians, have thoroughly validated the application before launch. It is available through Microsoft Teams built-in Apps page and on Microsoft AppSource, for XMReality users to share call links in Microsoft Teams chats and meetings.