Press release

XMReality assists export companies during Corona crisis

The spread of the Coronavirus is now affecting companies globally and has resulted in both travel restrictions and recommendations to work from home. This is having a big impact on businesses such as servicing and repairing of technical equipment, which require expert knowledge that is often unavailable locally. XMReality is therefore offering affected companies cost-free use of the XMReality Remote Guidance service for an extended trial period during the Corona crisis. This so that experts can effectively provide technical support remotely without having to travel.

Being able to provide swift and efficient technical support to customers or colleagues is crucial to the competitiveness of businesses and, in some cases, even for keeping vital infrastructure working. XMReality has now decided to help those companies whose operations have been affected by travel restrictions. More information about the offer and contact details can be found here.

XMReality Remote Guidance enables far more effective remote communication than previously. In addition to video calls, you can point and demonstrate how different actions should be performed. With the help of an expert who connects remotely, local workers can troubleshoot and repair machinery and appliances in the same way as if the expert was standing right there showing them how to do it. XMReality’s solution is already used in over 40 countries, including China. Accessibility is maximized because the recipient does not need any special hardware or software to receive instructions. All you need on site is a mobile phone with internet connection. 

“We are pleased to be able to help in a crisis,” says Johan Castevall, CEO of XMReality. “We can see that a large number of companies are being hit hard by the effects of the Coronavirus, so we want to support them and facilitate their operations,says Johan.