Press release

XMReality and Nagarro sign Partnership Agreement

XMReality and Nagarro sign Partnership Agreement
XMReality AB has signed a Partnership Agreement with Nagarro, a global digital engineering leader. Nagarro is actively helping their clients to work smarter through Connected Worker offerings that empower the workforce with new digital tools. This partnership will initially combine XMReality’s software with Nagarro’s Connected Maintenance Platform (CMP), which helps enterprises carry out maintenance activities and document all procedures.

Sandeep Anand, Managing Director, Nagarro states, “We are excited about this partnership with XMReality that extends our Connected Worker service offerings. Nagarro has a wide array of accelerators to enable clients to adopt Connected Worker solutions that help improve productivity, reduce wastage, improve quality, and foster better workforce collaboration. We look forward to working with XMReality for our clients in Sweden and other parts of the world”.  

Nagarro is helping clients achieve their vision of Industry 4.0 and Connected Enterprise. To succeed, it becomes critical to empower workers with information that can help them make better and faster decisions. Multiple clients have used Nagarro’s Connected Worker services for use cases such as remote maintenance, inspection, quality assurance, product training, and product demonstration.

Jörgen Remmelg, CEO, XMReality said, “This agreement is fully in line with our strategy to find partners that can incorporate our Remote Guidance solution in a larger offer. Through this kind of partnership, we reach customers we wouldn’t reach on our own since they often buy custom solutions with a larger scope. Nagarro has already implemented XMReality’s Remote Guidance solution in their CMP and is now actively showcasing the solution to their customers. So, the partnership is off to a great start, although no order intake is yet guaranteed.”