Press release

XMReality AB (publ), Year-end report for 2021

  • Regulatory
On a full year basis the Net Sales totaled SEK 21,975 thousand representing a 6 percent increase, at the same time as the Order Backlog rose by 34 percent. The Annual Recurring Revenues (ARR) increased 6 percent during the year. The fourth quarter Net Sales was SEK 5,101 thousand, compared to SEK 7,072 thousand the corresponding quarter the previous year. Order Intake became SEK 25,964 thousand for the full year.

The quarter October – December 2021

  • Net sales amounted to SEK 5,101 thousand (7,072).
  • Cost totaled SEK -18,311 thousand (-14,482).
  • The operating loss before appropriations was SEK –12,410 thousand (-6,736).
  • Net cash used in the period was SEK -8,377 thousand (-4,703) and the equity/assets ratio at the end of the period was 70.5 (59.6) percent.

The Order Intake decreased 35 percent to SEK 7,102 thousand (10,919), mainly as a result of fewer multi-year contracts the last quarter of 2021 compared to 2020. The Net Sales decreased 28 percent to SEK 5,101 thousand (7 072), the majority of the difference is related to the contract with Saab since the main portion was recognized as Net Sales directly as the delivery was made at contract signature and consequently not as a subscription.

Full year 2021

  • Net sales amounted to SEK 21,975 thousand (20,701).
  • Costs totaled SEK -57,777 thousand (-48,059).
  • The operating loss before appropriations was SEK -33,440 thousand (-24,925).
  • Net cash used amounted to SEK 26,483 thousand (9,267).

Net Sales increased with 6 percent to SEK 21,975 thousand (20,701) at the same time as the Order Backlog increased 34 percent to SEK 17,088 thousand (12,725) as a result of the Order Intake being SEK 25,964 thousand (25,992) for 2021.  The Order Backlog is Order Intake that at the end of the period remains to be recognized as Net Sales. The Annual Recurring Revenues (ARR) increased 6 percent to SEK 18,583 thousand (17,553). The majority of the Order Backlog is already invoiced to customers as the subscriptions normally are invoiced one year in advance, and is consequently either already paid or with payment awaited.

Notable events during the quarter, October - December 2021

  • XMReality has now joined the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) as an Independent Software Vendor (ISV). The partner program provides resources that enable XMReality to scale and grow worldwide.
  • XMReality now supports Remote Guidance on HoloLens 2, Microsoft’s mixed reality smart glasses. The launch is part of XMReality’s strategy to increase device independence and being present on user’s choice of device. Being compatible with HoloLens 2 allows XMReality users to extend and advance the use cases where a hands-free operation is essential.
  • XMReality Remote Guidance is now available in Salesforce, an integration making XMReality a natural part of already established support processes. This enables service agents and field technicians working in Salesforce to quickly start a Remote Guidance call and solve customers' support requests faster.

Notable events after the end of the period

  • Procurement for Housing (PfH) and XMReality has signed a framework agreement for XMReality Remote Guidance. The availability of Remote Guidance has been requested by the PfH member organizations and is now a catalogue product.
  • Verisure SARL, the Swiss headquarter of Verisure, and XMReality AB have signed a global framework agreement for XMReality Remote Guidance. Verisure will initially make a deployment of XMReality Remote Guidance in their technical support function for home alarms in Sweden.
  • As of March 1st, Lotta Ekerbring will take over as Chief Finance Officer (CFO) at XMReality. Lotta will replace the current CFO, Claes Pettersson, who will leave the company for retirement. Lotta will contribute with significant experience in the field and has previous experience as CFO in a high-tech company with subsidiaries in North America.

In this video Jörgen Remmelg, CEO of XMReality, together with Johanna Edepil, CMO, talks about the reported result for the company and which events that are particularly interesting to highlight for the investors.

Link to the report website:

This disclosure contains information that XMReality is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 17-02-2022 08:30 CET.