Press release

XMReality AB (publ), Year-end report for 2020

  • Regulatory
A record quarter and a record year! Net Sales grew under the quarter with 119 percent and the Order Intake with 86 percent. The Net Sales growth on an annual basis was 74 percent, the corresponding number for the Annual Recurring Revenues (ARR) was 117 percent.

The quarter October – December 2020

  • Net sales amounted to SEK 7,072 thousand (3,222).
  • Cost totaled SEK -14,482 thousand (-12,374).
  • The operating loss before appropriations was SEK -6,736 thousand (-7,676).
  • Net cash used in the period was SEK -4,703 thousand (-8,414) and the equity/assets ratio at the end of the period was 59.6 (61.8) percent.

As per the previous year, the final quarter did see a strong Order Intake with an 86 percent growth to SEK 10 919 thousand (5 868). The Net Sales grew as much as 119 percent.

Full year 2020

  • Net sales amounted to SEK 20,701 thousand (11,921).
  • Costs totaled SEK -48,059 thousand (-45,001).
  • The operating loss before appropriations was SEK -24,925 thousand (-27,364).
  • Net cash used amounted to SEK 9,267 thousand (-28,451).

On an annual basis the Order Intake grew with 76 percent to SEK 25 992 thousand (14 785). The Annual Recurring Revenues (ARR) rose 117 percent to SEK 17 553 thousand (8 086), the growth in Net Sales was 74 percent. The corresponding cost growth was only 7 percent which shows a very nice scalability. The order backlog, i.e. Order Intake which at the end of the period was not yet recognized as Net Sales, grew 85 percent to SEK 12 725 thousand (6 897). The majority of the order backlog is already invoiced to customers as the subscriptions normally are invoiced one year in advance.

Notable events during the quarter, October - December 2020

  • XMReality takes first step into APAC through reseller partnership with NTT Solutions, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Solutions
  • XMReality has signed a three-year contract with Saab AB, a Swedish defense and security company who serves the global market with services and solutions within military defense and civil security, for Remote Guidance. The initial order value is approximately 1 600 TSEK
  • XMReality has signed a two-year Licensing and Service Agreement with health care company Baxter Medical AB. To start with the software will be deployed through the Nordic sales team for Advanced Surgery who is leading the initial pilot.
  • XMReality has received an order from IMI division Hydronic Engineering for XMReality Remote Guidance and supporting hardware
  • XMReality and Zebra Technologies, headquartered in Illinois, USA, have signed an agreement to offer XMReality Remote Guidance together with Zebra wearable solutions
  • Cytiva, formerly part of GE Healthcare Life Sciences, increases its use of XMReality by ordering additional licenses to cover all of its geographical footprint.
  • XMReality has signed a partnership agreement with Guohui Anchuang, a digital solution supplier for industrial platforms and RealWear (a major supplier of Smart Glasses).
  • Esko, a global company active in the packaging sector and headquartered in Gent, Belgium, has ordered XMReality Remote Guidance for a period of at least two years.

Notable events after the end of the period

  • XMReality in early January released several new features for XMReality Remote Guidance. The product development is customer driven and the new features include, amongst other, the possibility to invite non XMReality users to a multi-party call
  • Panasonic Homes, a subsidiary to Panasonic Corp., are active within the housing business with an expertise in home construction. They recently undertook their first project outside of Asia with a delivery of a prefabricated prototype home to New Zealand. Due to travel restrictions, XMReality Remote Guidance was used to lead the first stage of the build remotely from Japan.

Link to the report website:

This disclosure contains information that XMReality is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 11-02-2021 08:30 CET.