Press release

Tekniska verken, owned by Linköping municipality, orders XMReality Remote Guidance

Tekniska verken, owned by Linköping municipality, orders XMReality Remote Guidance
Tekniska verken, owned by Linköping municipality and active amongst other within energy production, water-, waste- and sewage management, orders XMReality Remote Guidance. The company will equip service technicians within the area metrology with the solution in order to facilitate service missions.

“Once again I note that Tekniska verken is at the forefront within their area of business when it comes to adopting new technology. The benefits of Remote Guidance are obvious within this segment and I’m convinced that the solution will generate value for the inhabitants both in the form of cost savings but also reduced travelling and further improvements to the carbon footprint.” says Jörgen Remmelg, CEO at XMReality.