Press release

Tekniska Verken implements XMReality Remote Guidance in additional business areas

  • Regulatory
Tekniska Verken implements XMReality Remote Guidance in additional business areas
XMReality AB and Tekniska Verken, a municipally owned company in Linköping, have today signed a 24-month agreement with the aim of delivering Remote Guidance to most business areas within the Group. The total contract value for the two year period amounts to SEK 900 thousand and covers only software.

"The new order means a multiple increase in the previous order we received from this customer as late as last autumn. It is obvious that Tekniska Verken has carried out its implementation well and now our service is available within district heating, broadband and water. Tekniska Verken is definitely a company at the forefront of technology within its segment, where the municipality's residents take part of this in the form of cost savings, reduced travel and a reduced climate footprint. It is also obvious that we at XMReality see the opportunity for business with similar companies throughout Sweden," says Jörgen Remmelg, CEO of XMReality.

This disclosure contains information that XMReality is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 07-09-2021 09:26 CET.